Friday, April 8, 2011

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

One of my top three tv shows of all time just released it's final season on dvd. Yes, Friday Night Lights is coming to a close, ending one of the most underappreciated, little-watched, yet incredibly scripted, acted, and directed television shows in the history of American television. Not only is the show technically flawless, but it has something way more important - heart. You actually care about these characters and want to know what happens to them from week to week. I find so often that I don't really care about the characters I'm watching, which is a sure sign to drop that show from the dvr and search out more like Friday Night Lights. Once I finish the season and give other hard core fans time to do so as well, I fully intend on writing a complete piece about the show itself, but today I want to focus on the part of the whole that literally gives me chills when the premiere of a new season starts.

No words, just a slightly haunting, rhythmic cadence that characterizes the show so well. It's hard to explain, but it just perfectly fits the show's themes, characters, and overall feeling. I find it hard to articulate, but there's just something about it that gives me chills. A good tv theme song can do that. When it so perfectly captures the show and adds to the overall experience of enjoying it you know you've got a great opener.

Here are some other favorite show openers:

Gilmore Girls

 Another all time favorite show, this theme was sung by Carole King with her daughter, which is a great tie-in to Rory and Lorelai's relationship. Although the song is a bit too cheese-tastic for the witty, smart, and often wry banter between the Gilmores and their oh so quirky neighbors, it always brings a smile to my face.

The Simpsons

 Yet another great example of solid instrumental composition fully capturing the essence of a show. Why do you need words when "baaaa ba ba ba baaa ba ba ba babababa" is enough?

The Muppet Show

The Muppets need to be on Broadway. I need them to be on Broadway. Immediately. Hey, maybe they can use the theater Spiderman is in. Once they kill off or injure the rest of their cast it should be available.

What's your favorite?


  1. gilmore girls, duh. friends & sportsnight also are on the top of my list!

  2. Curb Your Enthusiasm is my all-time favorite theme song.
