Thursday, April 21, 2011

Svetlana Thursday: First Stop

I had every intention of posting on another topic before Svetlana Thursday rolled around again, but my prime blogging time (M-F, 8-5) was consumed by actual work. Crazy, I know. Anywho, onto the continuing adventures of Svetlana. A little bit of context: I work at a university in Student Affairs, which basically includes anything that students are involved with or affect them at the university outside of academics. At this point, Svetlana's mission is to find a suitable area for her skills and talents within the Division of Student Affairs and have a little fun along the way.

Subject: First stop
Dear Jon,

So I decided to start my journey in Alderman Hall with my old friend, Ann Glossl.

I'll be honest, I was a little pissed she threw me to the proverbial wolves and auctioned me off to the highest bidder, but I was tired of Frank* looking at me and just sighing and shaking his head all the time. What? He's never seen a dog in a hat? Anyways, I figured she was as good a source as any about other places to go in the division. Being the consummate student affairs professional that she is, she suggested I visit other offices and try to find ways to get involved. 

So my next stop was in CLES where I met with Donna about community service opportunities.

They sure do have a lot of toys in their office. More importantly, while I was there I made my first friend. This reindeer guy was super cute and sang me a song.

I love a man who can sing. And has antlers. We're gonna hang out later and maybe take it to the next level. I'll keep you updated, as I'm sure you'll want to know every detail. 

I was getting hungry and seriously considering a seafood lunch when I heard this weird chanting down the hallway.....

Ooops! Gotta run! Have to freshen up for happy hour. Polish my boots, spruce up the foliage, lint roll my hat, you know, the usual. 

Til next time,


Subject: RE: First stop

Dearest Svetty,

You sound like you are having a wonderful adventure out in that big world of Student Affairs. Thank you for sending me pictures so I get to partake in your travels. Remember to cook the fish before you eat them....unless you like sushi. And as far as that reindeer guy...if he gets out of hand, you just let me know and I will make sausage out of him.

What was that chanting you heard? Hopefully not a group of wild dog-wearing-hat eaters. Keep me posted on your travels and I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!


*Frank is Ann's husband, who dreads the day every holiday season when Ann would pull Svetlana out of storage and place her on his desk at home. When the white elephant exchange came up this year he was more than happy to part with Svetlana for the good (and entertainment) of the division.

I know that you are on the edge of your seats to find out what happens next. What do Student Affairs people do at happy hour? Did Svetty and the reindeer make a love connection? What was that chanting coming from down the hall? All of these questions will be addressed and new ones will undoubtedly be week. 

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