Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi friends. I'm off to Baltimore today for a conference and am super excited to see some old friends! While I'm gone, however, I want to leave you with some truly excellent reading material. These are some of my favorite blogs that I visit daily (and let's be honest, sometimes multiple times a day). A few people have asked how to best follow blogs and how to know when they're updated. In my opinion the easiest way is to use an RSS feed, which is basically a site where you can collect all your blogs and it shows which ones are updated. I use Google Reader, which you can access through the google site. You just need a gmail account! Does anyone else have any tips about this?

Anyways, onto the links! Here are just a few of my faves.

Pajiba - greatest movie blog I've seen so far. Started as a blog between friends and has become something much bigger and thoroughly entertaining.  It also helps that I tend to agree with their opinions most of the time. If you like movies I highly recommend it.

Go Fug Yourself - as discussed earlier in my Fug Madness post, this is a hilarious fashion/celebrity blog. SO funny and one of my favorite quotes comes from one of their posts - "Everyone loves a disco ball. It's a wee sphere of glee!" They do some fun things with words.

forever88 - one of my bestest friends, Annahita, has a GREAT blog. She blogs about her life, her love, her amazing bulldog Ollie and just fun stuff like the great new shoes at Target and her and other's beautiful photography. In fact, today she's doing a book giveaway for Emily Giffin's new book, Heart of the Matter! Check out her blog and enter the contest! Besides, you should be following her anyways if you're following me. We're both incredibly entertaining and have an unabashed love for tween movies and Amanda Bynes. Love you Hita!

Hyperbole and a Half - I'm pretty sure I found this through Pajiba, but who knows.  This girl named Allie writes stories about her life/childhood and illustrates them with old school MS Paint. It is so random and weird, just like I like my comics. And it is FREAKING HILARIOUS. Trust me on this one.

Get Poetical - my friend and sorority sister (Alpha LOVE!) Lisa lives a very glamorous life out in LA and writes a blog focused around poetry, as she is an excellent writer herself. Each entry includes a poem, either by her or by another writer. I'll be honest, I've never been a huge fan of poetry, but I truly enjoy her blog because it brings in such a great variety and I've found several poems that I really connect with.

These are just a few of the blogs I follow. Enjoy and I'll share some more soon!


  1. love it and love your blog! can't wait to be kindle buddies, haha :)

  2. Sarah! I just saw this! Thanks so much for the link. Alpha love indeed! ;-) Keep up the good work.
