Sunday, July 10, 2011

Community Standards

This week is a monumental moment in the life of 2834 Bloomfield Lane. The one and only Stefanie Mancuso moved in today! A few weeks ago we had our first annual roommate conference and created our very own set of community standards. For those unaware, at the beginning of every fall semester, students in the residence halls at UNCW create a set of standards to hold each other to and describe how they want to design their living space. For better or worse, here are our community standards.

1. Don't be loud as shit early in the morning, late at night, or during naptime.

2. Don't let the dish mountain grow to the size of Everest.

3. Always lock the door no matter how nice the trespassers/solicitors/homeless guys are (just kidding moms, no homeless guys here - yet).

4. Temperature during sleepy-time should be sub-freezing.

5. Do not erase DVR'd shows until confirming with the other, or Adrienne has watched Glee.

6. Don't ask Stefanie 800 questions upon arrival or departure of the house.

7. Don't speak to other until she has been conscious for at least 45 minutes.

8. No lounging in your unmentionables and making kissy faces at the other's gentleman caller. (As suggested by Cosmo).

9. Either text, call, email, facebook message, or tweet the other before borrowing an item of clothing.
Addendum: do not borrow Stef's rain jacket ever. Under any circumstances.

10. Place the mail in the respective baskets. That's what we bought them for - to be annoyingly organized.

11. No tomato sauce out of jars. Ever.

12. In the event of an issue with the other: be direct, confrontational if necessary, and by all means, use profanity.

We reserve the right to add to these standards and most likely will, to great comedic effect. Special thanks to Lindsey, Adrienne, Katie, Justin, and Jemilia who have all offered to mediate any roommate conflicts. I think we have it under control, but just in case we'll provide you all with an emergency pager that you can rotate just like the duty phone. I know you miss the pager. Dearly.


  1. too funny, hope the move went smoothly and I love your Community Standards! are they hung up in a public place? that's the last step! ;)

  2. I figure the internet is public enough!
