Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Little things

More in-depth blog coming very soon, but in the meantime....

Things that make me happy:

1. Freshly cut flowers
2. Getting a haircut
3. The first crisp fall day of the season
4. Ginger babies
5. The smell of a new book
6. Watching an old movie and recognizing a now-famous actor in a bit part
7. Finding jeans that make your butt look real good.
8. Hearing a baby laugh
9. When my cat, Sidda, flips around in the air
10. Any type of bread just out of the oven
11. Coming up with an inspired Halloween costume and then pulling it off
12. Falling in love
13. New friends meeting old friends and loving each other as much as I love them.
14. Sloth days
15. The sense of accomplishment after a kick your ass workout
16. Sparkly things
17. Yelling at the TV during an Auburn game
18. Visiting family
19. Getting mail that's not a bill, magazine, or advertisement.
20. Buying funny greeting cards and saving them for the perfect occasion
21. New clothes
22. Friends that not only tolerate my crazy, but share in it as well
23. Getting completely lost in a book and losing all track of time
24. Christmas decorations
25. Singing choral music
26. The inspiration for this post: http://justlittlethings.net/


  1. What about yelling at Bachelor pad? Maybe that'll be on my list. :)

  2. Thank you pointing out that oversight! I will add it to volume 2!

  3. New reader here!! And Loving it already. I think its a thumbs up thing :)
